SKU: SFW40236CD : 093074023624 Category:

WU FEI & ABIGAIL WASHBURN Wu Fei & Abigail Washburn


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Wu Fei and Abigail Washburn’s debut collaborative release is a testament to the connective power of music across seemingly disparate cultures. Merging American old-time music and Chinese folksong, Wu Fei & Abigail Washburn features gorgeous, impressionistic renditions of traditional material from the hills of Appalachia to the prairies of Xinjiang region, each tune flowing seamlessly into the next. The effervescent resonances of Wu’s guzheng zither dance around Washburn’s expressive banjo playing, their voices intertwining English and various Chinese dialects. This album recasts “world music” as music of our shared world, highlighting our shared humanity and the transformative power of song.

这是吴非与阿比(Abigail Washburn)合作的首张唱片,亦是音乐世界精诚合作的又一次见证。这张唱片将看似遥远的多种文化连结起来,所有歌曲基于美国民间音乐和中国民族音乐。两位音乐家通过各自不同的音乐文化根基,以多元的音乐编配形式与创作风格,再造了一个全新的中美音乐融合体。整张唱片描绘了从阿巴拉契亚山脉到新疆草原的音响蓝图。二人的风格自然、质朴、深邃、诙谐。唱片中多首歌曲可以听到:阿比在呈示清晰的结构同时,吴非以即兴作曲,二人的演绎如行云流水、相映成趣。涟漪般回响的古筝与高亢嘹亮的班卓琴萦绕在一起,再加上英语歌唱与多种汉语方言巧妙交织—- 这就是吴非与阿比的精彩二人组。总而言之,这张唱片重塑了“世界音乐”,讲述的是人类共享的家园、共通存在的人性,以及歌曲中无畏的变革力量。

SKU: SFW40236CD : 093074023624 Category: